Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lets Talk Bout Hip-Hop

I realize that the gist of all my blogs have been about Oromo, bilisumma and the dream of Oromia. Let us changes tracks only for a while. It is never good to focus on only one topic; for now, lets talk hip-hop!

I read a blog about how songs these days are propagating devil worship. This blog talks about Rihanna's song Umbrella  and the hidden message. I know how insane it sounds, but read what this blogger had to say and see if you still find yourself holding the same opinion!

But nevertheless, the song will still sound the same - addictive!

Enjoy this blog:- http://vigilantcitizen.com/musicbusiness/occult-and-prophetic-messages-in-rihannas-umbrella/

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