Friday, March 2, 2012

Introduction- co-author!

Hello all. I will be co-authoring this blog with my friend Magarsa, so I thought I would give you an introduction to myself.

My name is Lensa. I am an Oromo individual born and raised in the west, and I too had an upbringing somewhat detached from our culture.  I grew up for the most part adapted to western culture, and I was never really concerned with the politics of back home.  It wasn't until I began to research our history that the beauty of the people we come from, and the huge injustice with which they have been dealt, really sunk in. Since then I have been inspired to wholeheartedly take part in the struggle, even if that means simply keeping our culture and identity alive.

I realize that there are many of you out there already actively participating in the Oromo cause, and that there are those whose upbringing differ from mine in that you have been able to embrace our heritage in a way that I never did. But I also know for a fact that there are many of you out there like I was,  dormant in your actions and desire to engage in our cause and culture. And I know that there are many of you somewhere in between- perhaps some of you would like to participate but don't know where exactly to begin. We all come from vastly different circumstances that have resulted in diverse experiences of Oromo youth in the diaspora. I want to encourage everyone to reflect, learn, and share your experiences. I truly hope that open dialogue between all of us will foster a sense of unity and solidarity, and that we can motivate each other to ultimately work towards the self-determination of our people.

Our goal for this forum is to provide a platform for you all to think about the current issues facing our generation, and the implications these have on the Oromo struggle as a whole. We also hope to provide some background and history on Oromia- how many of us are aware of the events that led us to where we are today?  Finally, we hope to instill a sense of appreciation and pride for our beautiful and rich culture and history, and that you will be inspired just as we were to learn more and participate in the struggle. We want you all to realize your responsibility as Oromos to continue the fight our forefathers so heroically pursued. 

This is just as much a learning experience for me as it is for you all, so do not hesitate to comment with suggestions, feedback, criticisms...anything!

1 comment:

  1. I would like to add that we seek to bring about an Oromo Renaissance. We - the youth - are the future, so we ought start thinking of it. We being the Oromo nation and the masters of our fate (with the grace of God)should not take this lightly. The first step would be to take part in any way possible. Change must first start with oneself....with US - be the change you want to see!

    I would like to commend the talented Lensa on her introductory piece...she has become indispensable to the running of this blog & campaign...I - and I am sure many more like me - eagerly await to see her future blogs. She has become a part of the movement for progress & change, a movement whose doors are always open to every Oromo brother and sister - regardless of their age, background or creed!

    Peace everyone!
