Saturday, March 10, 2012

Oh Ummata you hear not the cries?

Oh Ummata Oromo, do you hear not the cries?
Of desperate prayers for emancipation
Oh Ummata Oromo, do you see not the oppression of our people in front of our eyes
The souls of forefathers demand liberation
Dreams I have of glory restored
Of power returned to the rightful lords
Oh my people, do you dream my dreams at night
Our majestic flag hoisted in front of all God's creatures – a glorious sight
Realized at long last my dreams
Gleaming red and green, the shinning tree in between
My heart yearns it but in the meantime screams
Oh Ummata Oromo, do you not hear our cries?

Of the mother who prays to hear her lost son's speech
Escape the iron bars of dungeon's keep
And relieve her tormented soul
To speak to her and say, "Mom, I am alive and well!
"Fear not that I am deceased!"
The blood poured from the sacrifice of our young
While our mother weep upon the their slain sons
Oh Ummata Oromo do you not hear the cries?

We were a nation as mighty as Greece and Rome
How can it be that we are an oppressed majority in our own home
Has our dignity been rendered worthless
How is it that ours sons are of their soil disposed
Our people forced away from their lands
To die away in their journey through the Arabian Sands
Or perish like many before them in the Mediterranean and Red Sea
To live in disgrace as a refugee?
Unity and solid resolve is the ammunition we need
To no master shall we heed
Rise up Ummata Oromo
The nation bleeds, Ummata Oromo do you not hear the cries?

The main point of this poem is to get YOU acting as a representative of something greater than yourself - your people! Support this blog and follow it, spread the word about our struggle, take part in any activity that will help furthering the cause. Its the will that counts, even if you do something so small, it seems to have no effect, It is the gesture that counts!

But one thing I will like to emphasize - anyone who chooses to ignore this blog after seeing this should bear in mind that there is no-one like your peeps. You support them and they will always have your backs! Support Project Oromia!!!!

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